The New Year is only around the corner and many people start planning their next year’s goals and setting new year’s resolutions. However, did you know over half of every new year’s resolution fails? reports in this recent study & explains why New Year resolutions fail. Well, yours doesn’t have to fail. To make sure of that, here are some practical tips on how to set your New Year’s resolutions, and ultimately, achieve those goals
Before Setting your New Year’s resolutions
One question you need to ask yourself before setting New Year’s resolutions is, “am I ready?” In other words, are you mentally, and physically prepared to make the change?
How ready you are to make a change and stay consistent determines your success. Undoubtedly, sometimes, you may nurture the best intentions. However, if your lifestyle doesn’t align with the intention, you’re only embarking on a futile endeavor. Here are a few practical tips to help you set practical and attainable New Year’s resolutions.
Create timeframe for your goals
Essentially, to do this, assess your responsibilities, work schedule, and other commitments. Subsequently, consider these and plan out a time for your resolution and yourself. Be realistic with your expectations and available resources.
Robust support system
Before embarking on this journey, find out whether your partner or family members are willing to act as a reliable support system throughout the planned time frame.
Assess your resources
Do you have enough physical resources to see out the resolution? If not, you need to put in more work to put them in place.
Be realistic or one of the reasons why New Year resolutions fail
Obviously, one obstacle to reaching your goal is setting unattainable ones. Be realistic in your plans and don’t make them too overwhelming
Celebrate every success
Create checks and balances for your goals. With these, you can celebrate every success you attain along the road.
Keeping your New Year’s resolutions
Now, following the tips in the above section when setting your goals, it becomes easier to keep your new year’s resolutions. However, another thing you should note is that consistency is key to success.
Consistency is integral to success or why New Year resolutions fail
According to experts, any activity you do for 21 days becomes a habit, and six months becomes a personality.
To be more specific, when you set skincare routine goal, the key to keeping it and attaining success is making them a part of you. Besides, your skincare new year resolution will only yield positive results when you do the routines daily, day and night until they become a habit.
Certainly, a day can’t go by without me using the Skincare routine Skin Radiance Set or Balance & Glow Set, and trust me, the consistent routine will show the results.
Unfortunately, there comes a time where you can totally run out of steam. In this case, don’t despair. Get back on track, and slowly build up your momentum again.
Besides being consistent in your plans, always speak about these resolutions. Also, find a buddy with similar goals and motivate each other towards success. Again, never beat yourself off. Don’t get obsessed over random setbacks and take one step at a time.
Bottom Line
“New year new me” is a phrase we’ve been hearing for years. While this may be true for some, it takes consistency and immense dedication to be able to say that confidently. With the guide above, best believe you’re coming out a new person in the New Year.